We're in Roy, WA at the in-laws! Dean's sister Lorraine and husband Robert live here with their two girls, three big horses, two little horses, two goats, some chickens, and an array of other things!

Saima, Kaisa, Maddie and I are here enjoying the "Busted Stuff Ranch!" So dubbed by the man himself! :) We're trying to think of names for their farmish plot of land! Maybe Redneck Ranch would be better, cause as you walk in the house, a buck named BUCK who serenades you with some awesome "On the Road Again!" He wiggles his head and everything! Awesome.

We started out in Kotzebue this morning, where the temperature was a cool 40 degrees. We went on to Anchorage where my dad picked us up in his truck. The girls giggled when they saw him because my dad decided not to cut his hair, and it was in a ponytail. They took us out to lunch before we had to leave to Seattle.

There were plenty of open seats on the jet, including many in first class, but apparently Alaska Airlines says you can't sit in first class unless you're eight years old. So, sadly, and with a large kivit (pouting) session, Kaisa and I sat in the bulkhead, and Saima and Maddie sat in First Class.

With promises of candy and a digi-player, she finally agreed to get on the plane, but only after plenty of crying and statements, like "THIS IS NOT FAIR!" So, of course, instead of sleeping on the 3 1/2 hour flight, she watched two movies and an array of cartoons! AND, of course, about ten minutes before we landed, she fell asleep!

So, remember when I said that ducklings are kid-crack? I take that back...I take it all back...whooooop. (sucking in noise!) HORSES are kid crack.
Seriously, I can't get these kids away from the poor horses!

Robert was nice enough to hitch up Casey the Tractor and give us our very first HAY RIDE! It was awesome, and we very generously contributed to the delinquency of the environment, with that old diesel engine! But, the important thing...the kids had FUN.
Happily, we BBQ'd and enjoyed a great dessert of s'mores.

The kids are all happily tucked into the camper in the yard. Momma, who is seriously paranoid (rememeber, we just have to worry about polar bears and rabid foxes where I come from!) that they are out there, and I'm mildly reassured that one of the dogs is sleeping out there with them.
I just need to relax. Sure. hehe... not gonna happen.

Kaisa says, "I LOVE THIS COUNTRY! It is SO green here, SPRING is HERE! Oh, look trees!"
And by "this country" she meant "America" and not Alaska! hehe. Which is what we call the "lower 48" states. You know what's weird? Its dark out...and only 11 p.m. Ewww... And let me add, scary too! Trees, darkness? Ick. Other than that, its nice!

Until tomorrow's Washington adventures! Maybe I'll find a cherry tree to raid!!!
You are sooooo close to our stomping grounds!!
Aren't the trees BEAUTIFUL!! hopefully none of you have bad allergies or you'll be miserable by tomorrow afternoon.
Have fun!
Darkness in the summer is a complete waste of time.
Dont forget about the BIG Brown Grizzley that we saw VERY close to the water plant & in between where the Colverts sunk in on the New Road :) just last night around 11pm. it was walking towards the mountains.
so, I miss you...
BUT only because I am SICK
I repeat SICK of the ducks and dogs and whatever.
The ducks grew even more. and are pokier and noiser and the sh*t more.
Shockey is still outside.. and will stay there (= She is NASTY
and loud. she barks/whines ALL day!
Nudgent doesn't bother me so much, he only whines every once in a while...
i ALMOST forgot. I CAN'T sleep! I went to bed at about 1130 lastnight.. and woke up at about 2 and I never FULLY fell back asleep. I HATE being alone in anyones house! you knew that though.
on a positive note.. nothing is dead.. YET
and I am eating dinner with the Hull family.
(i'm gonna marry cooper someday! hahaha)
AND Zach gets to come to kotzebue.. yay.
anyway, I leave you with a promise to write in my blog tonight and that I will not purposely kill any of your animals
love you
we went to Mt. Edgecumbe graduation May 5-8 in Sitka and darkness in spring time is weird. Hope you make it home soon- Ron went out hunting twice already- the ice is disappearing fast. Time for making seal oil.
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