Dean and I arrived very jet lagged but in great spirits Saturday night (coincidentally, the 2nd and last day of the Chinese New Year, darn) on this jet...

Northwest Airlines flight something or other, straight (in addition to a few bumps here and there, but basically straight!) from Seattle to Honolulu. It was 71 degrees when we arrived. We took the Roberts Hawaii hotel bus to the Aqua Palms, in Waikiki. It was late, so we simply went to the local ABC stores and picked up some spam musubi and mehana pale ale and headed back to the hotel for an early night.

Dean and I - 10:00 pm
We got up, with no plan in mind, deciding to head toward the beach and started our trek. On the way, we breathed in the perpetual ocean air and sweet smell of pineapple! Neither of us knew where to go, but we cound a guy with a surfboard and followed him. Who better to follow?!
We found the beach and decided to walk in the sand, sans flip flops. Dean, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and myself, in capri's and a t-shirt eventually realized we needed to change. The trade winds kept us cool enough to endure the 85 degree temps. Dean stayed in the water for most of the morning and I simply sat on the towel and relaxed.

By the end of the day, we had experienced much of what we set out to do. Eat a Pukka Dog, swim in the ocean, sit on the beach, eat Spam Musubi, have a Mai Tai, buy a cover dress, eat some macadamia nuts, and walk the International Marketplace. We even picked our own oysters out of the water and found not one, not two and not three pearls, but FOUR pearls. We found one oyster with two pink pearls and two oysters with a black pearl each. We decided to give one black pearl to Maddie set in a white gold dolphin necklace. And momma got some new earrings!
Yay Hawaii, Yay us. Until something more exciting comes along, Aloha!

1 comment:
Oh you lucky dogs! Let me rephrase that: You LUCKY Huskies!
I wish I were there, sans attitude and my cold donkey.
141 PM AKST MON JAN 26 2009
wish you both were here.
Spam dog, the other Dean
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