Or Shall I say, Hubby's Hobbies on Display!?!
In order to cool down from a non-so-great job, my husband has taken to holing himself up in his shop/garage and making

I'm not a complainer...and I love the
stuff he makes.
Recently, I (being the grandest grant-writer if ever there was) wrote a simple grant for him to purchase a bulk load of supplies from Finland. The blades themselves are expensive little suckers, as well as some wood, polycarbonate and brass.

He made a $1,300 order the other day in supplies alone.
I don't mind at all, because the knives that come out of that shop are breathtaking. He is just getting better and better every time.
Every single knife that he brings inside (because I am a MASTER Sheath maker) is my NEW favorite knife!
Seriously, every one!

If you're in the Kotzebue area, his knives are on display at the Sulainich Arts Center on third street. If you're not in Kotzebue...you can admire them online and contact him directly if you want your own!
Yesterday, he brought ONE knife over to Sulainich and within a half hour, it had sold and three other people asked about where they could find more.
I do have to admit, this one might be taking the cake on my favorite. It is made with stabilized dyed alder. The curls in it are a bright gold with a deep blue wood color. The photo really doesn't do justice to that knife.So, he did what any other great husband on his day off would do. Made a garbage bin for our all consuming trash. Oh, no he didn't do that, he was SUPPOSED to do that. Nooooo, he made three more knives.

We also ran out of rivets, so had to improvise on the sheaths this time. Thank goodness for sinew and leather punches. I spent an HOUR trying to figure out how to make a sheath that was traditionally Scandinavian, where the stitches ran along the side of the knife, rather than above or below.

I succeeded though, without too much complaint!
As soon as the other supplies arrive...I'm sure we'll have more to post. As for now, I'll continue putting our garbage outside, where the seagulls and raven's can get into it...heck, maybe I'll just use MY knife and throw it at the birds!
As for the knife making skillz of my hubby. My daddy done taught him GOOD!