We got married on a Saturday, and by Sunday night I was in the village of Kivalina for work. I was there for almost a week, then Dean went back to work and was medevacing people to Anchorage for two weeks.
We didn't have a honeymoon. Honeymoon's are overrated! Instead of that, we decided we would take a trip to Anchorage every year on our Anniversary.

That's what we did this weekend. Lucky for us the Alaska PFD's come out October 7th, so we usually have at least one dividend to pay for the airfare, hotel and car rental! (Although my MVP status and Platinum elite Marriot card works wonders too)
We have been hanging out with no apparent plans all weekend. No kids. No dog. No stress. Unless deciding where to eat counts. (Oh and the stress of trying NOT to spend money!)

Anyway, I didn't bring my camera with me, so iPhone photos will have to do. Except I only have the iPhone 3Gs, and Koy and Dean now have the new iPhone 4. In order to upgrade their phones from what they were to an iPhone 3G, it would have cost us $250 each. OR, we could get the iPhone 4 for MUCH less than that. Guess which one they have now!

In other news, my sister's boyfriend, John has a part in Alaska's favorite movie and he is here filming this week. He asked to borrow my husband's fur parky I made for him a couple of years ago. So, if you watch Everybody Loves Whales in 2012 and see this parky... You know who made it! :)

Hope you had a wonderful anniversary
one thing- is the 4g network even available in Kotz?
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