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Tuesday, November 2, 2010



Hopefully this means that we won't have to listen to all the commercial bashing that goes on during this time. Vote for ME! I'm the best candidate! VOTE for me!!! No, I'm the best.

It sort of reminds me of kids playing together. Arguing over a toy car. Or Barbie. Only they're arguing over our lives.

Why can't we have a candidate who just tells us what he/she wants to do for our state/region/country and leaves it at that?

Anyway, if you don't vote, don't complain! I get my fair share of complaining now! I'm entitled.

Eh, whatever the case may be, I'm very happy today is Tuesday. Because:

1. NO MORE POLITICAL commercials.

2. GLEE (YES!) and Raising Hope are on!

3. That means only 4 and a half more days until HAWAII.

4. Only a few more days of this diet. (Which by the way, I wish I could show you before and after photos of my husband. He's lost 25 lbs in the last two weeks. He went from a 38 waist to his 34's!! And me, only 16 lbs down. Stupid men's metabolism!)

5. I can start planning my Christmas Cookie Exchange slash Ugly Christmas Sweater Party!

6. I can focus on making more of these for the Bazaars...

Made this, this MORNING before work!

Oh, and you really should all VOTE FOR ME!


gpc said...

You've got my vote! And 16 pounds is AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

NO wonder there hasnt been any food porn on your blog..i was wondering whats up?!
way to go on being -16 !!!

Finnskimo said...

Actually... I've been baking up a storm! haha. I made three large loaves of Banana Nut bread last night, and a couple of Cranberry Nut as well. For Halloween we made Cake pops...

And I made some plucking bread too. I just don't get to lick any of the bowls!

-16 is not even half of my ideal weight. Although "ideal" could be interpreted in many ways! hahaha.

Finnskimo said...

Who am I kidding, I don't even get to taste it to make sure its good!!!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I wrote you in ;)!

scarfoot79 said...

I wish we had such cool voting stickers! Hrmph!

Sabrina said...

I was happy we'd have no more political ads too, then as I was watching the poll numbers come in, I saw a commercial for mayor of Chicago. Support me, vote for me, send me your $! Already...I have no idea when that election is but I'm already over it. I don't even live IN Chicago. Boo