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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Photo Challenge, Day 16

Someone who inspires you.

Every Day I am inspired. Every day I spend time checking out the blogosphere and looking at other people's designs, creations, lives.

Every day I watch people overcome hurdles. Some mental, some physical, some emotional. And they inspire me.

You should always be inspired by other people. It's good for the soul.

My husband inspires me to be a better parent. His calm demeanor with the kids and dogs and messes really calms me down in my utter chaos of trying to be great. He watches the Outdoor Channel and drinks a beer while kids are running around crazy and dogs are biting each others ears off. I just want to scream, but he just sits there and smiles.

My step-kids inspire me to slow down. They come to us in the height of summer. When every Eskimo family is busy. Busier than normal. They are rushed here and there, we rush to camp, rush to get food put away, rush to the softball games...and rush rush rush. Which my children are completely used to. But they aren't.

My son inspires me to be more forgiving. As a mother, its hard to forgive people who harm your child. Years can go by and one glance toward that person, all the feelings come rushing back to the day your child was hurt. He, on the other hand, tells me to just forget about it. He's ok now, and I'm more affected then him.

My daughter inspires me to overcome. She has overcome some of the most difficult situations that a 7 year old ever has had. And she's always come out cheery with a smile on her face. She forgives, forgets, and moves on in a heartbeat.

I have a handful of people who really inspire me, one who inspires me to be a better friend, one to be a better baker, one to learn how to knit. But the one person who is the most inspiring to me is this woman:


She inspires me to be a better PERSON. And that's a big feat considering how much I do for people. I constantly think of what she would do in the situation. One, because she is a phenomenal Christian woman. She truly shows God's Grace to everyone while I spit my ugly words toward people. She is quick to love and slow to shame. Always reminding me (with a smile) that no matter what someone "does" to us, we still need to show them love. Even more so for "certain individuals." And Two, because she is just am amazing person.

In every life situation, Life, Death and everything in between, Emily inspires me the most. Thank you so much for allowing me and my children into your (and your son's) life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are able to find examples of great people and let them inspire you. It is a trait and talent that I wish we could somehow help others learn this to help them in their view of the world.
In all the places big and small that I have lived, and one where I would feel community and family would mean the most, I have never seen such ??? towards each other. Don't get me wrong, it is not all the time but when I see, especially 'families' go after each other....very hard to watch.
There is so much beauty, things to be proud of and special times to be shared with each other I long for more of your positive at times:-)