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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Long Week

Pretty long week for us.  Spring always makes it seem long.

But I took photos anyway with my iPhone.  So, here goes:


Deadman's Reach Coffee from Raven's Brew.  It'll wake you from the dead.

Koy's Mom.  That's me.  Spirit Day at work, show your school colors.  Go Huskies.

Spinach Dip in Sourdough Bread Bowls.  That's all I really have to say.

They are pretty cute when they're watching Tangled together, and are quiet.


Went to the store for some junky food and left with bullets, propane, and rope.  Totally Eskimo.

Heart.  It's what's for dinner.

Look what my husband found running around outside.  We might keep it!

Seafood Chowder in a Sourdough Bread Bowl.  A glass of wine.  Great night.

Of course...aside from all THAAAAT, I painted faces for a good four hours on Friday night.  My arms are sore, my shoulders hurt, but the kids were happy so it was all OK.




Catch you on the flip side.


Anonymous said...

Wow your face painting skills are awesome!

merinz said...

What fun painting those cute little faces.pictati