Hi. Again. I am not lost. I am just really busy! Super busy. So busy in fact, that I started to have this weird twitch in my eye and headaches every day and words became all jumbled up when I tried to say them and I kept doing things twice or not at all.
But after some long rest, I'm back. And I feel a little better. I think my body is telling me to slow down. And this time, I want to listen.
So, I'm sort of slowing down. As much as I possibly can without going crazy that is.

I managed to do 20 loads of laundry this week and had the kids match all the socks (Which was a feat in its own!). And great news...the Twins are back in town! So, now we have all four kids plus random village kids around and are cooking for 8 every night. Just the way I like it!
In other news...I failed to say Happy Birthday to my sister on my blog. She turned 21, but I'm pouting because she left us to go live with her husband in Texas at Ft. Hood. She took away our house-baby and left the ice for the heat. So I kivit and didn't write one. But I will. It's in my mind like Nugent's story. So, Happy Birthday Elsa! Your story is coming soon!

And speaking of Nugent. Our new puppy came. His name is Magnus! Such a strong Finnish name for a HUGE clumsy dog. Magnus' feet are much too big for him and he is only 10 weeks old. Dean found him from a service-dog kennel in Missouri. He's doing well with his duck-dog training though and he will make a hunting dog out of him sooner or later. Other than training, he is one SPOILED dog. We all just love him up.

And YAY! My husband is working on my new deck. Finally. So, now during the midnight sun we can all sit around the deck and tell stories about winter. And college. Or maybe not college! haha...

Anyway, I hope everyone's been well. I promise to share a great recipe in the very near future! And Nugent's story. And Elsa's birthday post!
And if you want to see what SPRING Breakup is like over in these parts... check out Cathy's Blog about Ice.
I think most of the Breakup is done now and we are all waiting for Kobuk Lake to flow away. This year Break up Ice took out one person's deck and hit the side of their house, so they have to fix the exterior wall. You'll see on her video that it just comes right up on the street to destroy whatever's in its path.
The feet on that dog are HUGE!
And guess what I got in the mail today!! Patterns! WAHOOO!!!
Thanks so much! :)
What a sturdy little guy - hope he will not be killed - and such a cute baby...
Magnus is a good name; very often in Norway!
Have a nice weekend and slow down!
Greetings from Europe
Beatrice ❀❋☀
Hon, my eye twitches ALL the time. I guess we're just lucky that way. Magnus looks like a wonderful fellow. Still want to come down for the Fair?
Yes, of COURSE I do! I'm in Anchorage tomorrow through Friday Janice... call me!
So l'm in ANC tomorrow but need to be back out here for a 3pm meeting for this Fair project. How early can l call? We're hoping to be wheels-up for Kalgin Island by 730pm. if the wx doesn't cooperate l can track you down Friday. It wd be fabulous to see you. OR let me know prior to your next trip down. That might be more realistic.
Love your new pup!
Love your new pup! Congratulations!
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